Today we had a follow up appointment with Dr. Warren at Rush University Hospital. My Mom and Dad went with us with Daddy driving.
We left extra early to factor in traffic because we would be in the middle of rush hour. Well, needless to say, there really wasn't any traffic. We got to Rush in a hour 15 minutes so we were there in plenty of time for my 9 o'clock appointment.
We had a lot of good news from Dr. Warren. He told us that the tumor wasn't all the big. The reason for not putting in a stint was because it wasn't necessary. He took off the tumor and widened the trachea. He said he may need to do that again or he may not.
So my question that I have in my mind is: Was the tumor always not very big or was it bigger and something happened to make it shrink, like God?
I want to think that God shrunk it. It was my prayer and many others.
Radiation on the inside would be something he would perform. He said it would be very simple to take down the shoot and zap the tumor from the inside.
But the other members of the team want to start from the outside.
Also about my voice. He told me that there is a very non-evasive procedure that an ENT can do that wouldn't take surgery to do. They would move my vocal cord more in the center. From the outside with a needle. We would try to do this if my voice was strained all the time.
These 2 procedures may be in the future.
On Monday I'll get blocked/ tattooed and Dr. Bhate will tell us the plan for the treatments.
Probably on Tuesday I'll start both Chemo and Radiation. Chemo will be once a week and Radiation will be 5 days a week.
So this was a great day, we got great news and didn't drive in rush hour traffic.
So we are ending this year with Good feelings and starting next year with those same Good feelings.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.' Psalm 91: 1,2
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