Saturday, October 20, 2007

Too good to be true?

I have always believed in prayer. I believe God hears my prayers and answers them maybe not the way I would like them to be answered but he does answer them.
When Rick was diagnosed with MS, my faith I believe wasn't shaken. I never blamed God but I did go to God for my strength. Thru this I discovered that I wasn't trusting God like I thought and have learned to trust for anything. I still need work, I still need to improve, I still need to believe. My mom told me today that she went to an MS support group meeting recently and found out that by the year 2010 they will have ablitherated MS!
I'm happy but why am I doubting? Where's my faith? I prayed for a cure like so many others. Others for longer than I have, so why am I not believing. I trust God, I believe this great and awesome news!
Maybe because it's not in my timeframe, I thought it would take longer. I've always been told and thought we found out about Rick and MS at a good time.
I do believe in answered prayers.

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