Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I am so excited!!

Ok I'm so excited and repeating myself. :-)
I've always been interested in helping children, one of the reasons I'm a TA (teacher's assistant). But I've always felt saddened for the children that fall in that grey area, that can't receive services but really need help.
I attended last week a training on intervention for all children. It was the basics but I really enjoyed it! So I wrote my principal about this. Our school is trying to implement this program and I really want to be a part of that team. Well, he replied and was excited about my interest and that I could be a part of the team and if I wanted could go to any trainings that I wanted, if we get the grant for this program!
For so many years I have always thought administrators and higher ups thought little of my position in the building. That I was worth what ever was on the bottom of their shoes. And I believed that. But recently I have discovered that because I have heard that, over and over, I started to believe it.
But not anymore! I'm an intelligent person, and not a bored, overpaid babysitter that certain school board members have said TA's or paraprofessionals are.
So I'm happy that my principal that I really don't know well, feels that I have self-worth. Mainly because this past year I demonstrated my self-worth and self-confidence. It's nice to be acknowledged.
I'm just going to continue to be me and make myself available for help.

Have a great day!

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